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Board Members

​OSAID's Volunteer Board of Directors is an invaluable asset to our organization. This dedicated group of individuals works hard to make a positive change in our community by providing guidance, support, and leadership. They bring valuable knowledge and experience to the table and are responsible for setting the direction of our organization. 

The Board works diligently to ensure that OSAID is run in an ethical, efficient, and responsible manner. We are grateful to have such committed and passionate people working with us.  

OSAID Board members come from diverse professional backgrounds such as: Education, Administration, Policing, Insurance, Community Organizers, Automotive, Finance, Road Safety Professionals, and more.

To learn more, visit 

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What to Expect 

As per our By-Laws, a Board Member shall hold office for a three-year period so long as they remain eligible under standard terms such as: an individual, 21 years of age or older, not bankrupt, and who has not been found incapable by any court in Canada or beyond. We also ask that every director in exercising their duty shall:


1. Act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the charity;

2. Exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable     circumstances; and

3. Comply with the letters patent, the bylaws and any policies adopted by the Board of Directors


If you are interested in joining the Board, OSAID will send you a copy of our By-Laws as well as our next meeting date. We usually meet via teleconference from 7pm-9pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving



Charitable Business Number: 12694 0733 RR 0001

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Contact Us:

Subscribe for News & Updates

Mailing Address: Bayview Village Post Office.

2901 Bayview Ave. PO Box 91104.

Toronto, ON. M2K 1E0

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